May 19, 2009

Health Benefit Of Star Trek Action Figures

According to an article in the Journal of Medical Necessity, there are undiscovered health benefits from owning and displaying at least 14 different Star Trek action figures.

Dr. Adolph Von Feltcher reports that according to a four year study conducted by the Minnesota Dairy Council, individuals who collected and displayed the figures lived, on an average, of 12 years longer than the group displaying placebo figures, that is, action figures such as Star Wars or Ninja Turtles. The control group also had 4.7 less days per year absence from work or school due to illness.

When asked about the result of the studies, Dr. Feltcher commented "We don't really understand the mechanism behind this phenomena, but suspect it has something to do with what we now call the Kirk/Picard factor, since collections devoid of either of these two captains were deemed incomplete and had a high FAIL rate when compared across the board."

Further studies are upcoming.

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